Minor Leagues 12 £5.00
Gardening Beneath a Falling Piano £6.00
Now is the Time to Know Everything £10.00
WHERE? (signed copy) £20.00
Infernal machine - A4 print £10.00
Mummer - A4/A3 Riso Print £10.00
Field - A4 Riso Print £10.00
Way-point - A4 Riso Print £10.00
Plans We Made £8.00 / On Sale
Little Leagues 3/Policymaker Annual 1 £3.00
What is Britain? £5.00 / Sold Out
The Lie of the Land £5.00 / Sold Out
Sixty-eight £2.00
Minor Leagues 11 £4.00
Minor Leagues 10 £5.00
Lettuce Bee £6.00
DAYS £5.00 / On Sale
Little Leagues #2 £2.00
Little Leagues #1 £1.50
Minor Leagues 5 £5.00