Why is there more than one price on some of your zines?

This is to offer people the chance to pay what they feel they can afford for zines and books I publish myself. The lower prices roughly correspond to cost price (which is the price it costs to print the zine), a mid-point and the full price.

Why do you do this?

I think it's important to make this kind of work as available as possible, and I hope this goes some way towards that. I know postage is expensive and life is expensive too.

Can I really choose to pay less?

Yes! I won’t be at all upset.

How long will it take for my orders to be dispatched?

I do my best to send orders out as soon as I can after receiving them. However, often I have to print and hand-make the zines, and I also work full-time. This means it can sometimes take a little while for orders to get posted. If you need something urgently, please do let me know!