Lettuce Bee is an anthology of art made by old friends, new friends, strangers, and peers from all over the place; some of them make things for a living, some for a hobby. Some needed pestering to make anything at all, and some were already making things just for the sake of doing it.
We live in a complicated world where it’s not always clear why or how we should be acting, what we should be saying, and what we might be able to contribute. Lettuce Bee is sort of about acting, saying things, and contributing, regardless of those fears. It’s about finding a voice and saying, ‘hello here I am I have something to say.’
Contributions of comics, poems, writing, images, art and stuff from:
Rob Jackson
Brigid Elva
Grace Denton
Nathan Penlington
Ben Gwalchmai
Joff Winterhart
Timothy Senior
Meriel Harrison
Maxim Peter Griffin
Iona Fox
Jayde Perkin
Jeff Miller
Delaine Derry Green
Andrew White
John Porcellino
Dan Cooper
Jacob Knill
Cherry Styles
Sabba Khan
Jason Martin
Peony Gent
Edited by Simon Moreton and Ali Bamford